Spanish-Style Chicken Salad (dinner)

by Irene Lindvall

Another two recipe day today. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to top our lunch, and while this dish didn't top it, it was still quite delicious and perfect for a really hot evening. All of the flavors worked so well together. At first it seemed like there wasn't going to be enough dressing, but in the end we ended up not using it all. I added cucumbers for a little veggie boost and they were perfect. Oh, and Manchego cheese is delicious. 

Things I learned from this recipe:

Paprika is a spice I love. I love the color and I really love the smell. I always expect big things from it based on the smell, but it never quite does what I think it should based on how great it smells.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe

Seared Shrimp Salad with Wok Dressing (lunch)

by Irene Lindvall

From the first bite I could tell this was going to be a great dish. Eric said he thought it could be his new favorite. All of the flavors are incredible and they work so well together. The radishes were just spicy enough. The avocado was just creamy enough. The coconut milk added to the wok with the shrimp made them just flavorful enough. The pistachios added just enough crunch, and the dressing was perfect. The only thing that was wrong? I could've eaten more!

Things I learned from this recipe:

I ended up making the full amount of dressing instead of halving it for the two of us and it worked out perfectly. The wok absorbed a lot of it and I don't think there would've been enough of it in the end.

I continue to not understand recipes that want you to add garlic, and in this case ginger too, to extremely hot pans. All it does is char it. Further research is required.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe

California Niçoise Sandwich (dinner)

by Irene Lindvall

I had really high hopes for this sandwich. We love tuna sandwiches and I loved all of the ingredients the recipe called, however, when put together it really lacked flavor. It lacked even more flavor for Eric who didn't have olives on his. I accidentally started the recipe off by combining the tuna with the mayonnaise and had to start over because that is not how the dish is made. In retrospect, it probably would've tasted better to be all blended together because the tuna really lacked flavor. I ended up adding 1/2tsp more red wine vinegar and it didn't help much. It was sad to really only be able to taste the dry tuna and nothing of the other ingredients. 

Things I learned from this recipe:

Sandwiches are not filling for dinner.

Scooping out bread is an interesting idea to make bulkier sandwiches fit better.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe

Cheesy Scrambled Egg Whites w/Home Fries (brunch)

by Irene Lindvall

I found this gem of a brunch recipe tucked into the wrong section in my notebook of unmade recipes as I was cleaning it out for the tenth time since starting this project and immediately decided we needed to have it this weekend. I already had a recipe picked out for dinner, but didn't mind making an additional one since we haven't had a new brunch in a long time. I ended up cooking the potatoes for an additional one and a half minutes to get them a little more tender, and I also added a few more green onions than what the recipe called for. I think I added too much of the bouillon cube (it was soft enough that I could've cut some off) because the potatoes were slightly too salty for me. Eric said it didn't ruin the potatoes, and when eaten with a bite of the eggs they blended really well. All-in-all, interesting idea to add a bouillon cube and paprika to potatoes.

Things I learned from this recipe:

Whole Foods makes a fake chicken bouillon cube that is just as tasty as the real one.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe

Grilled Bread w/Tomato

by Irene Lindvall

Here is another recipe I've had for eight years! I know the photo might not look like much, but it was delicious. My last photo shows the addition of basil and the "used" tomatoes cutup which made the bread taste even better. This may be the most taste I've had out of a dish for the least amount of effort. Amazing.

Things I learned from this recipe:

Rubbing garlic on bread produces and amazingly strong taste!

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe