Seared Shrimp Salad with Wok Dressing (lunch)

by Irene Lindvall

From the first bite I could tell this was going to be a great dish. Eric said he thought it could be his new favorite. All of the flavors are incredible and they work so well together. The radishes were just spicy enough. The avocado was just creamy enough. The coconut milk added to the wok with the shrimp made them just flavorful enough. The pistachios added just enough crunch, and the dressing was perfect. The only thing that was wrong? I could've eaten more!

Things I learned from this recipe:

I ended up making the full amount of dressing instead of halving it for the two of us and it worked out perfectly. The wok absorbed a lot of it and I don't think there would've been enough of it in the end.

I continue to not understand recipes that want you to add garlic, and in this case ginger too, to extremely hot pans. All it does is char it. Further research is required.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe