California Niçoise Sandwich (dinner)

by Irene Lindvall

I had really high hopes for this sandwich. We love tuna sandwiches and I loved all of the ingredients the recipe called, however, when put together it really lacked flavor. It lacked even more flavor for Eric who didn't have olives on his. I accidentally started the recipe off by combining the tuna with the mayonnaise and had to start over because that is not how the dish is made. In retrospect, it probably would've tasted better to be all blended together because the tuna really lacked flavor. I ended up adding 1/2tsp more red wine vinegar and it didn't help much. It was sad to really only be able to taste the dry tuna and nothing of the other ingredients. 

Things I learned from this recipe:

Sandwiches are not filling for dinner.

Scooping out bread is an interesting idea to make bulkier sandwiches fit better.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe