Cheesy Scrambled Egg Whites w/Home Fries (brunch)

by Irene Lindvall

I found this gem of a brunch recipe tucked into the wrong section in my notebook of unmade recipes as I was cleaning it out for the tenth time since starting this project and immediately decided we needed to have it this weekend. I already had a recipe picked out for dinner, but didn't mind making an additional one since we haven't had a new brunch in a long time. I ended up cooking the potatoes for an additional one and a half minutes to get them a little more tender, and I also added a few more green onions than what the recipe called for. I think I added too much of the bouillon cube (it was soft enough that I could've cut some off) because the potatoes were slightly too salty for me. Eric said it didn't ruin the potatoes, and when eaten with a bite of the eggs they blended really well. All-in-all, interesting idea to add a bouillon cube and paprika to potatoes.

Things I learned from this recipe:

Whole Foods makes a fake chicken bouillon cube that is just as tasty as the real one.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe