Asian Peanut Slaw w/Pork (chicken)

by Irene Lindvall

This was another super easy, quick and tasty dish. I'm happy to report it isn't like anything I've made yet (that I can remember) because I feel like I've had some recipes of late feel a little like repeats. We loved the dressing, the cabbage and the crunch of the peanuts. Eric isn't overly fond of pork and I don't eat it so I substituted chicken instead, and I asked him to grill it instead of broiling it in the oven when the kitchen was 82 degrees. Eric's favorite part was the summery fresh cilantro taste and I really liked bites with a peanut the most. Overall, fantastic dish for the small effort required to make it.

Things I learned from this recipe:

I'm finally more confident in making modifications (i.e. grilling the chicken instead of broiling). Early on in this process I definitely would've just followed the recipe instructions. It's a small step, but a huge step for me in believing the dish will still turnout fine.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe

Ginger Lime Water Spritzer

by Irene Lindvall

Ugh! This recipe was nothing. I should've just put some lime in fizzy or flat water and called it good. Serious waste of ingredients and water.

Things I learned from this recipe:

I'm still not good at reading directions all the way through...not that it would've helped with this recipe.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe:

I can't find it online and it's definitely not worth repeating let along sharing.

Marionberry, Blue Cheese & Arugula Salad (dinner salad)

by Irene Lindvall

I ended up making several modifications to this recipe. I didn't have enough arugula so I added spinach. I couldn't find marionberries so I picked some blackberries up the street, and Eric hates blue cheese so I gave him the last of the herb cheese curds and I had feta. I also didn't have thyme so I used fresh cut Italian parsley. Basically, I didn't do what the recipe wanted except for the dressing and it came out great. I have to admit, it would probably be tastier with blue cheese (which I love). I think the slightly salty factor of blue cheese would be great, but really, even with all of the minor modifications I made it still was a good salad.

Things I learned from this recipe:

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe

Grilled Chicken and Fennel w/Orange Glaze (main dinner)

by Irene Lindvall

Another hot summer day, another dinner from the grill. I thought the idea of marmalade, orange and soy sauce interesting for a glaze and was the reason I chose the recipe. We liked the taste of the chicken and the glaze even though it didn't really caramelized on the chicken. I have to say the fennel wasn't a big hit, but thank goodness for the onions. I thought the perfect bite was a bit of chicken, a slice of onion, a small chunk of onion, and a dash of fennel fronds.

Things I learned from this recipe:

Every time we grill I should just add onions to the mix. It doesn't even matter what we're eating. They are they good.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe

Mediterranean Rice Salad

by Irene Lindvall

We grilled again on this beautiful night so I opted for a salad to accompany our protein. If you've read any of my posts that involve using long-grain rice you'll know there is no chance I'll be cooking with it again. This dish tasted just fine with regular ole white rice. I added a few more green onions that was called for and I also used the leftover herb cheese curds from last night instead of traditional feta. I've never made a rice salad before and this one is interesting texture wise (not in a bad way) but I thought someone just decided to exchange orzo for rice and call it a new recipe.

Things I learned from this recipe:

Since I used my frozen white rice I probably should've added some salt to the salad after the fact. It definitely lacked in some overall flavor...or maybe more chili flakes.

Would I make this recipe again?:

Maybe. It's an interesting accompaniment to a meal with Asian-style protein. 

The recipe