Mediterranean Rice Salad

by Irene Lindvall

We grilled again on this beautiful night so I opted for a salad to accompany our protein. If you've read any of my posts that involve using long-grain rice you'll know there is no chance I'll be cooking with it again. This dish tasted just fine with regular ole white rice. I added a few more green onions that was called for and I also used the leftover herb cheese curds from last night instead of traditional feta. I've never made a rice salad before and this one is interesting texture wise (not in a bad way) but I thought someone just decided to exchange orzo for rice and call it a new recipe.

Things I learned from this recipe:

Since I used my frozen white rice I probably should've added some salt to the salad after the fact. It definitely lacked in some overall flavor...or maybe more chili flakes.

Would I make this recipe again?:

Maybe. It's an interesting accompaniment to a meal with Asian-style protein. 

The recipe