Grilled Chicken and Fennel w/Orange Glaze (main dinner)

by Irene Lindvall

Another hot summer day, another dinner from the grill. I thought the idea of marmalade, orange and soy sauce interesting for a glaze and was the reason I chose the recipe. We liked the taste of the chicken and the glaze even though it didn't really caramelized on the chicken. I have to say the fennel wasn't a big hit, but thank goodness for the onions. I thought the perfect bite was a bit of chicken, a slice of onion, a small chunk of onion, and a dash of fennel fronds.

Things I learned from this recipe:

Every time we grill I should just add onions to the mix. It doesn't even matter what we're eating. They are they good.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe