Asian Peanut Slaw w/Pork (chicken)

by Irene Lindvall

This was another super easy, quick and tasty dish. I'm happy to report it isn't like anything I've made yet (that I can remember) because I feel like I've had some recipes of late feel a little like repeats. We loved the dressing, the cabbage and the crunch of the peanuts. Eric isn't overly fond of pork and I don't eat it so I substituted chicken instead, and I asked him to grill it instead of broiling it in the oven when the kitchen was 82 degrees. Eric's favorite part was the summery fresh cilantro taste and I really liked bites with a peanut the most. Overall, fantastic dish for the small effort required to make it.

Things I learned from this recipe:

I'm finally more confident in making modifications (i.e. grilling the chicken instead of broiling). Early on in this process I definitely would've just followed the recipe instructions. It's a small step, but a huge step for me in believing the dish will still turnout fine.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe