Oven-Roasted Fall Vegetables (side dish)

by Irene Lindvall

My major contribution to tonight's meal (aside from re-making the caramelized stuffing from a few weeks ago) were these roasted veggies. I knew the people at this gathering would appreciate a dish like this, and the dish did not disappoint. I think the highlights were the thinly sliced russet potatoes, the butternut squash and the garlic. The garlic did wonders for the rest of the dish and the potatoes were so deliciously crispy that they tasted like a yummy cracker. I'm so glad there were multiple things that tasted great because this dish took a lot of work. The prep was about 45 minutes and the roast time is an hour. During the roast I rotated the pans every 15 minutes and also switched which level the pans were on to insure an even roast. I think I probably could've stopped at about 50 minutes of roast time, but I decided to follow the recipe. This was followed by another batch at one hour. The only thing I did not do was "stir" the veggies as the recipe directed. Nothing was sticking to the pan so I decided not to create more work for myself. It turns out this left one of the sides a little more crispy which I preferred. 

Things I learned from this recipe:

I've definitely become interested in roasting garlic.

For Thanksgiving, half of the recipe would've been sufficient for a party of 10.

Would I make this recipe again?:

Yes. I am definitely going to make this in the future in smaller quantities. 

The recipe

Brussels Sprout Salad w/Pecorino & Tangerines

by Irene Lindvall

I decided several days ago to do back-to-back brussels sprout salad because I knew both families would like them. The slaw I made yesterday had some ingredients in it that were not friendly for some people today so I decided to go with another one I had saved. I wasn't sure when I'd have a chance to make two brussels sprout dishes but I'm glad I planned it this way. The recipe suggested shredding the sprouts the day before so Eric did a double batch yesterday so there wasn't nearly as much to do today. I neglected to take photos of the rest of the steps, but it was just sliced red onions, shredded cheese, and individual pieces of tangerines, and the mixed dressing. The dressing was fantastic and the red onions added quite the spice that everyone loved. Two brussels sprout salads in two days and they were both hits - who knew raw brussels sprouts could be so good?

Things I learned from this recipe:

Prep this salad the day before if you have time. It was great to only have to combine everything upon arrival and have it ready to serve.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe

Grilled Fingerlings w/Dill (appetizer)

by Irene Lindvall

Happy Thanksgiving Part II! I'm not sure how many of you celebrate this day, but it often happens in my family. Today we were over at my in-laws house to eat another traditional Thanksgiving meal. I brought several dish, three of which are new, and we started with this appetizer. I chose this because the prep was easy and I was able to bring the foil packets with me, and I had Eric grill them upon arrival. After grilling you add butter, sea salt and dill. The result? I delicious treat that works well as an appetizer and can be transitioned to the table to be eaten with turkey. A win-win in my book.

Things I learned from this recipe:

Prior proper planning - it always works. Everyone love the taste of these, and it was the easiest thing I did all day.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe

Simple Drop Biscuits

by Irene Lindvall

What Thanksgiving is complete without some type of roll? Usually this roll is dry, not appealing and doesn't get eaten. I decided these biscuits couldn't be worse than that so I gave them a try. Even though this recipe is from the Best-Ever Cooking for Two, it was for four biscuits and I thought that would be a sufficient amount for the five of us. I was right about the quantity but I'm pretty sure we all could've eaten one if we "had" to because they were that good. I may have cooked them just a tad too long, but when eaten right away that didn't impact the taste at all. I definitely want to be make these again, and even thought they'd be delicious served with eggs and sausage for brunch. 

Things I learned from this recipe:

Homemade biscuits = EASY.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe - I used my favorite magazine again.

Whipped Potatoes w/Three-Onion Butter (side dish)

by Irene Lindvall

I've never made mashed potatoes before and I have to admit, this was the dish that made me most nervous. It's such an easy thing to make, but it can go wrong very quickly and people can be very disappointed with the result and that is one thing you don't want for Thanksgiving. I am happy to report these were a hit and probably the favorite dish of the night. I bought a new KitchenAid hand mixer just to make these and it did the job perfectly. I was extremely careful not to over-whip them as the recipe advised. I would whip them for a bit and then flip them with a spatula to see if there were any lumps left. If there were lumps I'd whip a little more and repeat. This proved to be the best method and I stopped just at the point when I said to myself "you could give it one last whip". The only complaint? There could've been more of the leeks, shallots and green onions. 

Things I learned from this recipe:

Whipped potatoes are better than mashed potatoes - by a landslide. 

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe