Oven-Roasted Fall Vegetables (side dish)

by Irene Lindvall

My major contribution to tonight's meal (aside from re-making the caramelized stuffing from a few weeks ago) were these roasted veggies. I knew the people at this gathering would appreciate a dish like this, and the dish did not disappoint. I think the highlights were the thinly sliced russet potatoes, the butternut squash and the garlic. The garlic did wonders for the rest of the dish and the potatoes were so deliciously crispy that they tasted like a yummy cracker. I'm so glad there were multiple things that tasted great because this dish took a lot of work. The prep was about 45 minutes and the roast time is an hour. During the roast I rotated the pans every 15 minutes and also switched which level the pans were on to insure an even roast. I think I probably could've stopped at about 50 minutes of roast time, but I decided to follow the recipe. This was followed by another batch at one hour. The only thing I did not do was "stir" the veggies as the recipe directed. Nothing was sticking to the pan so I decided not to create more work for myself. It turns out this left one of the sides a little more crispy which I preferred. 

Things I learned from this recipe:

I've definitely become interested in roasting garlic.

For Thanksgiving, half of the recipe would've been sufficient for a party of 10.

Would I make this recipe again?:

Yes. I am definitely going to make this in the future in smaller quantities. 

The recipe