Brussels Sprout Salad w/Pecorino & Tangerines

by Irene Lindvall

I decided several days ago to do back-to-back brussels sprout salad because I knew both families would like them. The slaw I made yesterday had some ingredients in it that were not friendly for some people today so I decided to go with another one I had saved. I wasn't sure when I'd have a chance to make two brussels sprout dishes but I'm glad I planned it this way. The recipe suggested shredding the sprouts the day before so Eric did a double batch yesterday so there wasn't nearly as much to do today. I neglected to take photos of the rest of the steps, but it was just sliced red onions, shredded cheese, and individual pieces of tangerines, and the mixed dressing. The dressing was fantastic and the red onions added quite the spice that everyone loved. Two brussels sprout salads in two days and they were both hits - who knew raw brussels sprouts could be so good?

Things I learned from this recipe:

Prep this salad the day before if you have time. It was great to only have to combine everything upon arrival and have it ready to serve.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe