Buttermilk Pancakes

by Irene Lindvall

I decided over a week ago that today I would be making pancakes. I purposely decided on pancakes knowing that I wanted something easy to make, and that I wanted to treat us to a nice breakfast after so much dinner planning and cooking. I should admit, it has been years since I've made pancakes. So many years that I don't recall when it was. I'm not sure why this is, but it probably has something to do with having a waffle iron and it being a lot less effort. Regardless, I was excited to try this recipe out. I made three batches of two, each one being a little big bigger than the last. I thought they would spread out to be more flat like a traditional looking pancakes, but it didn't happen. I think I could've mixed the batter a little more, but the instructions were very warning of not over mixing so I followed the directions. I have no idea if this is the reason they didn't spread out, but it is my speculation. I tried to spread out the batter during the second and third batches, but it didn't really help. Regardless of that, they tasted excellent. Eric, who loves most breakfast items and really loves pancakes, thought they tasted like "restaurant pancakes" which is a compliment in case you were wondering. He really did think they tasted great, and thought the tidbit in the recipe about adding sour cream creating a "tang" was interesting because it is that "tang" he really enjoys.

Things I learned from this recipe:

I thought medium heat was just a touch too hot. In the recipe description they talk about making sure the pan is not too hot because that burns the pancake. Obviously all ranges vary, but I think next time I'll keep it just under 6 on my range.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe - Now that Thanksgiving is over I'm back to my favorite cooking magazine.