Chicken Teriyaki w/Broccoli and Israeli Couscous w/Fresh Peas & Mint

by Irene Lindvall

I decided to combine two recipes today since stumbling upon a couscous recipe in my binder. The chicken teriyaki dish wanted it served with brown rice and I thought whole wheat couscous was a good replacement since I could not find Israeli couscous at Whole Foods. I also decided to use edamame instead of peas in the couscous and now writing this realize I forgot the mint. So all in all, I didn't follow a lot of the directions in either of these recipes!

Chicken Teriyaki with Broccoli

I cooked the chicken and broccoli according to direction. Not too much to note other than the sauce was tasty but it probably would've been better over white rice.

Things I learned from this recipe:

I'm getting a little tired of chicken breast and recalled I cooked a lot with chicken thigh in January and thought this type of dish might be best suited with thigh meat.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe

Israeli Couscous w/Fresh Peas & Mint

After cooking couscous recently and reading the reviews of this recipe, I decided I wouldn't cook it the way the directions said. Several reviewers said it was way too soggy so I decided to cook it like the boxed version tells me too just with a combination of chicken broth and water. What I failed to realize was was how important the spices were in that little box and how tasteless this couscous would turnout. 

Things I learned from this recipe:

After prepping both dishes throughly I still forgot the mint. Very sad, but I don't believe it would've saved the dish.

Sticking to boxed couscous with spices.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe