Cashew Chicken

by Irene Lindvall

Not sure why I keep torturing myself with cooking while it's 80 degrees in the house, but it keeps happening. The long journey, now in it's seventh month, has taught me some new ways of cooking, the loveliness of homegrown vegetables, how to embrace my wok, but most importantly, the power of prep-work. I have not always been consistent with prep work because I am so anxious (or ravenous) for the end result. For some reason, today I was reminded of how my mom preps. She always preps. All the prep is done even before the stove is turned on with a pot of water that needs to boil. You'd think I would've picked up on this long ago, but I am happy it has finally sunk in. It's no wonder she can manage five different pans at once and never sets a timer for anything.

As for this dish, I could not get the sauce to thicken with the cornstarch at the end. Everything was edible, and the dish was fine, but definitely not worth repeating.

Things I learned from this recipe:

Soy sauce can cure many things.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe