Ricotta and Pea Pasta

by Irene Lindvall

Eric hates peas. I know I've mentioned this before, but I feel it worth noting again because we had a discussion about why I was making this. My goal in making dishes with ingredients he hates is to show him that dishes can be made where it is not the predominate taste and that maybe he can tolerate or even like the dish even though it contains peas, for example. I would say I was mildly successful with this dish. The puree did not taste too pea-like, but I did add too much salt which really became the predominant flavor. Too bad. Also, not pictured were the hot dog chunks I added to make sure we had some protein. 

Things I learned from this recipe:

So many things can be thawed in a bowl of cold water. I have been doing that a lot with seafood and tonight I did it with the peas.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe