Chili-Garlic Shrimp Noodle Bowl

by Irene Lindvall

It feels like it's been years since the sun was shining all day. Warm weather in Japan means cold noodles, and while it's not quite warm enough to be cooking some of my favorite noodle recipes, this dish seemed like a good substitute. I also got to try out my new birthday present from my mom (see photo #2. Soba noodles can be eaten either hot or cold. I eat them cold 99% of the time, and in this case I opted for luke warm. Soba noodles should always be rinsed after bowling because they're quite dirty, so I rinsed in cold water and let them set while I was preparing the rest of the dish and I thought the temperature was fine. 

Things I learned from this recipe:

Shrimp with Asian chili paste is delicious. We could've eaten 10 more.

Just adding the Asian paste to the noodles was not enough flavor for either one of us. I would've preferred some actual sauce because there was no way you could have a bite of the shrimp with every bite of noodle.

Would I make this recipe again?:

Perhaps. I'd really need to think about what type of sauce could go with the noodles. I will however add the paste to the shrimp and eat them with other things.

The recipe