Cinnamon Apple Crisps

by Irene Lindvall

I hoped you enjoyed my blog takeover yesterday. It sure is nice to have a birthday and request whatever you want. Not only did I not have to cook, but I also didn't have to clean up or write a post. Amazing day! In keeping up with celebrating my day (week/month) I decided to make something easy. These apple slices really reminded me of the delicious Seneca ones we used to eat in the 90s. I'm curious how they got some of the flavors in their apples and will probably do some investigation into that when I decide to make more.

Things I learned from this recipe:

I think some sort of slicer might be beneficial to making really thin slices. I noticed the thicker slices were slightly mushy after baking. Still edible, but not as great as the crispier ones.

Please note, it takes two hours to cook the apples.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe