French Toast

by Eric Lindvall

Eric here. It's Irene's birthday today so I've taken over and am making the only thing I know how to make: French Toast. 

Fortunately there isn't much to it:

  • bread
  • eggs
  • 1-2 tbsp. milk (I use 2%)
  • 1-2 tsp. cinnamon

Honestly I'm just guessing on the amounts of milk and cinnamon. I had originally just said "a little" but Irene isn't a fan of those sorts of recipes. 

Today I used 4 eggs and made each of us 2 pieces of French Toast. It ended up being more eggs than I needed, but I always hate to run out. 

Take the eggs, milk and cinnamon and put them in a bowl and mix. Then dunk the bread in for a few second and then flip it over and let the other side soak for the same amount of time. 

Then put it on the skillet until it's brown on both sides. 

When it's done I like to melt a little butter on top before putting on maple syrup. 

Happy Birthday, Irene!