"Grilled" Cheese Sandwich

by Irene Lindvall

I learned not too long ago that the way I make a grilled cheese sandwich is not the way others do it. It didn't really occur to me that my way was weird until I told someone that I used a toaster oven and I got a blank stare. Grilled cheese also has always meant more than just cheese to me. One side of the bread has butter and pepper jack cheese and the other has mayonnaise and cheddar cheese. I toast it in the toaster oven and when complete, I always top it with tomato, and tonight added crispy bacon. At first I felt bad for including this as a "recipe" but then I realized it was good to share difference in how we make things and it truly is a recipe (of sorts).

Things I learned from this recipe:

I should've added avocado.

Would I make this recipe again?:

Of course.

The recipe:

Please reference the photos.