Cincinnati Turkey Chili

by Irene Lindvall

I made this dish because it was chili over spaghetti. What? Yes. Putting turkey chili over spaghetti just sounds like spaghetti to me, but who am I to judge. I opted not to make the corn bread portion of this recipe (neither one of us are fans) and instead served it with leftover baguette from last night. If I'm being honest, the baguette was unnecessary because of the pasta. I could see how cornbread would make a nice compliment but still not needed. I was surprised how quickly this dish was done in the Dutch oven and would make it again in a heartbeat. 

Things I learned from this recipe:

I did a taste test while simmering and another taste after it was done cooking post chocolate & salt blend and I have to say, the addition of the chocolate is superb. It really took the sweetness factor down a notch and made it a much more rich taste which both Eric and I prefer. I thought it would be hard to beat the slow cooker chili I previously made, but apparently Cincinnati has won. 

I chose to omit the green pepper for Eric's sake and I now wonder if that contributed to the toned down sweetness of the dish.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe