Lobster Rolls

by Irene Lindvall

Whole Foods had a sale on lobster tails yesterday and I couldn't resist buying two at $5/ea even though I already had two in the freezer from when they were on sale at Valentine's Day. I've been told they are good in the freezer for three months or so, and they thaw quickly in a bowl of cold water so I felt my splurge justified.

I first started making this lobster roll recipe last summer specifically because there was no mayonnaise involved, and we immediately fell in love. I thought what better time to make this than when it's pouring down rain and we're hating spring! In the past I've used Macrina Bakery's brioche burger bun, but today I used a baguette from our favorite French bakery in Kirkland - Aura. I should also mention the deglazing portion of the recipe is very important because it is the only sauce for the roll. I don't put anything on the roll except butter on the outside when toasting it in the pan. 

Things I learned from this recipe:

I always had chives on top for color and taste.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe