Twice-Baked Sweet Potatoes w/Bacon & Goat Cheese

by Irene Lindvall

Yesterday we had a lunch and a coffee date and also left the house at 7pm without dinner. My intention was to make this yesterday for a late dinner, but when we got home around 10:45pm and I noticed it was gong to take 1.5hrs to cook it just wasn't going to happen. Cue the big sigh...I pushed it off until lunch today and decided to make it a three recipe day today.

I knew after the first bite it wasn't going to be a big hit with Eric. He really doesn't care for sweet potatoes and really doesn't like goat cheese. I believe his quote was, "It's not as bad as I thought it was going to be." I actually thought the goat cheese made it a little too rich tasting. I think a different cheese would've been a little more to my liking - maybe feta? Other than that, I really enjoyed them, and the crispy bacon was delicious. I think one half of the potato would be perfect for a larger appetizer.

Things I learned from this recipe:

Scooping at the potatoes was easy, but the skins tore very easily.

I wish my chives were still alive because they actually had a taste in comparison to these store bought ones that basically just added color.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe