Espresso Brownies

by Irene Lindvall

It's "Bake Anything Tuesday" or in another words, I'm bowling and want to bring something to share with the other ladies. After many years of making brownies from a box, I can say without a doubt these are the most moist brownies I've ever tasted in my life. Everyone else also noted how moist they were, and also how very little espresso taste there was. I think the addition of the instant espresso (plus water to dilute) was what made them moist, but I was also surprised how there was no coffee flavor. I don't think I can ever go back to boxed brownies. I did end up cooking them 41 minutes (I think) because the center kept coming out slightly liquid-y on the toothpick. I lost track of the time around 41 minutes and ended up just checking it every minute to see if the center looked done. 

Side note: the parchment paper made it easy to take the brownie out of the pan and I think it probably would've been impossible to get it out nicely because they were so moist, but as you can see in the photo, it's not the prettiest. The problem was easily solved by cutting off the edges, eating them, and cutting the rest of the brownie into nice squares.

Things I learned from this recipe:

I probably didn't need to eat one of these right before bed...

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe