Sweet Potato Salad

by Irene Lindvall

I'm in sweet potato heaven! And Eric is wishing it wasn't fall, I'm sure. In addition to the twice-baked sweet potatoes I made this salad. In addition to it being another sweet potato dish, it also has red bell peppers and Dijon mustard both of which Eric hates. Poor guy. He was nice enough to have a bite and say that he can see why the recipe called for the peppers. I thought all of the flavors were genius. The sweet potato plus bacon was a no brainer, but the addition of the bell pepper plus the green onion was simple yet perfect. The sweetness of the bell pepper plus the dressing was great. I'm happy Eric didn't want to eat it because that just means leftovers for tomorrow. 

Things I learned from this recipe:

Simple great flavors still win every time.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe - Another great one from my favorite magazine.