Lentil Stew w/Winter Vegetables (lunch)

by Irene Lindvall

It's cold outside. It's cold inside, and all I feel like eating is soup. I don't have very many recipes for soup but I found this one for vegetable stew from 2007 that I've been holding onto and thought today was the perfect day for a warm lunch. I knew that Eric wasn't going to be too excited about this dish. Beets, turnips, butternut squash, kale and lentils - all things not high on his list. To be honest, beets and turnips are not my number ones either, but I gave it a go anyways. There was a lot of prep work and I ended up having to simmer the stew well past what the recipe said because the liquid hadn't absorbed so the prep & cook time was at least one hour and ten minutes.

The last step of stirring in goat cheese was quite unique and added all the flavor the stew needed. I sort of forgot that Eric really dislikes goat cheese and that was what did this dish in for him. I thought it was fine, and the stew kept me warm which was my first goal, but the flavors were not my favorite.

Things I learned from this recipe:

Beets aren't so bad.

Would I make this recipe again?:

No. Although, I definitely want to find a stew we both enjoy.

The recipe