Blueberry Coffee Cake Muffins

by Irene Lindvall

I've been away from bowling for a couple of weeks which means I haven't made any tasty baked goods in awhile. In fact, I feel like it's been quite a long time since I've made any worthy baked goods. While the recipe says muffins, it also gave the alternative of a loaf and I went with that option because I didn't think pecan halves would make much sense in the bottom of a muffin. I think crushed pecans would be great and I definitely want to give those a try.

I recently told my sister-in-law about my woes with loaf pans and she suggested USA bakeware and my grocery store happens to stock it so I picked up a pan while I was there, and it produced a perfect loaf. It was ready in the exact amount of time the recipe said, it was moist and the edges were just a tad crispy - the way I enjoy them. The best part about the loaf? The pecans and brown sugar. Everyone at bowling enjoyed the loaf and agreed the sugary goodness at the bottom was the best.

Things I learned from this recipe:

Grated fresh ginger root is a fine substitute for ground ginger. Check online for ratios because it is not one-to-one.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe