Oven French Toast w/Orange Apple Syrup

by Irene Lindvall

I'm finally back. I had the flu for a solid week and then followed that up with zero motivation to cook anything. I feel awful about it, but I'm hoping to make November a great month. And while I served this for dinner instead of Sunday brunch, it was delicious nonetheless. I had a feeling Eric wasn't going to care for this recipe very much because of the fruit factor, but I was pleasantly surprised by his reaction. Since french toast is on his short list of things he can make, I figured he'd notice the difference in this one, but I don't think he did. This recipe used very little milk, and instead used orange juice, as well as equal parts cinnamon and nutmeg. I also thought Eric wouldn't care for the "syrup" but in the end it wasn't so much a syrup as delicious caramelized fruit. I think it cooked too long on the stove, but neither one of us were complaining. The online version of this recipe says to cook it for 20 minutes (my paper version says nothing). I guessed and baked them 10 minutes per side and didn't think it was quite golden brown after 20 minutes so I baked them for an additional four minutes. All-in-all, this was a great dish to get back into the swing of things.

Things I learned from this recipe:

My mom always said older bread was better for french toast. I used extremely fresh bread and the crusts came out great but the center could've been a little crispier for my liking.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe