Tomato-Corn Salad

by Irene Lindvall

We are desperately hanging onto the last days of summer and with the sun still shining I thought it was appropriate to have a bright salad. This is another recipe I've had for over eight years, and while it is similar to some others I've made, this one had only rice wine vinegar and salt & pepper as the spices. I have naïvely only used rice wine vinegar in Asian dishes and I'm so happy that through this recipe exploration I have found so many more uses for it. I also liked that this salad did not need any cool down time or time for marination. 

Things I learned from this recipe:

Next year I am going to attempt to make this recipe all from my garden. Home grown tomatoes, basil, onions and corn. The corn is going to be a stretch, but I'm going to try and grow it. 

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe