Vietnamese-Style Spicy Crab w/Garlic Noodles (dinner)

by Irene Lindvall

Back-to-back nights of crab - life is rough! This dish is nothing like last night though, but it is an interesting combination of my Vietnamese night of cooking + last night. In other words, it was fantastic. I love everything about this recipe except two things: the amount of time it took to do prep and the amount of time it took to eat it. I'll get to the latter in a minute, but first, the prep. To the recipe's credit, it did say it was going to take 1hr 30min to prepare/cook, and while it didn't take that long, there are a lot of little components and lots of ingredients. As I've said before, with wok cooking, it's important to have all of that done ahead of time. That said, the cooking went fairly fast except having to wait for the pasta. I couldn't cook the crab in the wok until the pasta was done because the pasta needed to be drained and kept warm (in the oven) while the crab was cooking. This was very important.

As for the eating, it took WAY too long to finish cracking and getting all the crab out. We were both ravenous by the time everything was served and it was difficult to get enough meat out without wanting to eat up all of the delicious garlic noodles. I ended up cracking all the legs and getting all the meat out and THEN eating rather than taking small bites along the way. In the end, this was much more enjoyable even though it was a pain to get there.

Things I learned from this recipe:

I've always loved eating Vietnamese food out, but I'm really enjoying learning how to make it.

Would I make this recipe again?:

I would love to, but it is a helluva lot of work. 

The recipe