Summer Rolls - Three Ways

by Irene Lindvall

We had dinner plans this evening so I opted for a very fun lunch. I thought it was fun until I started working on a time crunch and realized that I was making five different things - three different types of rolls and two different sauces to accompany. I did well with the prep and separating each dish out it just took longer than I expected. Overall, all three of these rolls are great and the sauces are delicious. 

Crunchy Cucumber Summer Rolls

These were the simplest out of the three and had the least amount of taste except for the fresh mint.

Things I learned from this recipe:

There is definitely a trick to rolling. I didn't quite figure it out, but I know that you have to lift the filled edge up and over the fillings a little further than you think. After doing this a few of the times it made for folding the sides in easier without anything falling out.

Would I make this recipe again?:



The recipe

Sauce recipe


Turkey, Bacon, and Avocado Summer Rolls

This one was definitely the best out of the three. Of course it was the one that contained crispy turkey bacon, but it was also the one that had the most spice which we both really liked. Also, this sauce with almond butter was amazing. It outshines most of the peanut sauces I've had at Vietnamese restaurants. 

Things I learned from this recipe:

I used fresh almond butter from Whole Foods and it was amazing for the sauce.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe


Sauce recipe


Tofu, Shiitake, and Spinach Summer Rolls

I bought a package of spicy lemongrass tofu to save time and not have to cook up my own tofu for this roll. I liked the little zest it added to this roll. 

Things I learned form this recipe:

Watercress doesn't do a lot for me.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe