Endive "Chips" w/Blue Cheese Dip & Bacon Dust (2 of 3 recipes)

by Irene Lindvall

Dish number two for the BBQ was this very rich dip. I had good luck at my game night with endive and was hoping for a repeat with this dish, but I think it wasn't the most appropriate for a BBQ. The dip needed to be spread on the endive and then the bacon dust needed to be sprinkled on after that, and you are really not achieving all that while holding onto a plate that has a burger on it. I thought the taste of the dip was okay, but perhaps a little too rich because of the gorgonzola. The (turkey) bacon, of course, tasted great and I'm definitely using the leftovers of that for other dishes. 

Things I learned from this recipe:

I used my hand blender to pulse the bacon and it really does turn it into "dust". I almost opted to hand cut them into tiny pieces because I've done it in the past, but now I know. Amazing.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe