Grilled Yogurt Chicken with Cucumber Salad

by Irene Lindvall

There was some serious discussion as to whether or not I've already done this dish and I could not find any proof that I had. However, I have a very vague recollection of something going wrong with the grill and the chicken not turning out. Furthermore, I have a less vague recollection of making the cucumber salad portion of the dish. But that said, I'm pretty sure I could be absolutely wrong and I've now made so many dishes that contain a combination of chicken, cucumber and yogurt that I've gone a little crazy and can't remember what we ate last week. 

After eating the dish I can definitely say we haven't had it. Our favorite part of the dish was the chili flakes. Eric noted it was interesting that a Mediterranean style dish included chili flakes, but we both agreed it made the dish. Another very simple dish on our last night of grilling for a few days while the rain comes back.

Things I learned from this recipe:

Get a grill thermometer. It turns out our grill has been off around 200 degrees and this is why we've been having so many issues with cooking chicken properly.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe