Honey-Sesame Grilled Chicken Wings

by Irene Lindvall

I have been making this wing recipe for almost two years now and have served it to many different people. I believe it was the first thing we cooked when we bought an "adult grill" (i.e. one that involved gas), and loved it from the very first bite. We were actually blown away by the taste. That doesn't happen very often and it's always a memorable experience when it does. The thing I find most surprising about this recipe is that the chicken only has to marinade for 15 minutes. It's definitely the additional glaze continually added on that keeps the taste.

Things I learned from this recipe:

I choose to marinade the chicken in a large Ziploc bag instead of a bowl as the recipe says. Two reasons for this. Number one, from a sanitary perspective, I like to just throw away the bag that had raw chicken in it, and number two, you can just make the marinade in a small bowl and pour it into the bag - also easier from a clean-up stand point. I guess that's just one point with two reasons. :)

Eric has become an expert at the timing and glazing of the chicken which is incredibly important. 

You can never have enough of these when serving them to friends and family.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe