Spinach with Angel Hair Pasta

by Irene Lindvall

There are a lot of pasta recipes out there, and I've got quite a few to wade through in my stack. I made this one for lunch since we have dinner plans this evening. I was disappointed before I was even done cooking. The lack of ingredients had me looking around the kitchen for more things to add. I ended up throwing in some pine nuts and cherry tomatoes I had lying around. The recipe didn't even call for salt or pepper which I added after plating as well as parmesan cheese. While I appreciate my skills for cooking on the fly are improving, this recipe was useless. The finished product looked great (after the tomatoes) and tasted fine, but it's not something I need an actual piece of paper to tell me how to make.

Things I learned from this recipe:

It's really okay to discard some recipes.

Would I make this recipe again?:

Not this one specifically.

The recipe