Chicken with Chile-Cheese Rice

by Irene Lindvall

I decided to give long grain rice not cooked in my rice cooker another go. I've never had good luck with it and I continued my streak tonight. For some reason we don't get along. I cooked the dish at least 20 minutes longer than it said to in the final step and many of the grains were still not fully cooked. So strange. If I cared enough, I'd probably read some tips on how to cook it better, but in all honesty, I will probably just avoid recipes that call for it. That being said, the flavors of the dish were excellent and the chicken did not get overcooked even with the extra time. I loved the cheesy bites and the two jalapeños really added a kick but were not too hot.

Things I learned from this recipe:

I don't understand how to cook rice when it doesn't come from my rice cooker.

Fresh cilantro is a must.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe