Potato Salad

by Irene Lindvall

Eric noted that it seemed like we've been eating a lot of summer-ish food recently. I think it must be the weather and me willing it to get warm. As one who doesn't like to disappoint, tonight I made hotdogs (I used the leftover chicken sausage from gumbo night) and potato salad - a summertime favorite! Eric is fairly picky about potato salad (shocker) but we both really like this recipe because it doesn't require a lot of mayonnaise. People I've made it for really enjoy the vinegar taste, as do I. Eric wasn't really thrilled about this recipe because it actually does call for turkey bacon and the texture of it always got to him as fake. I finally started cooking the bacon longer in an attempt to make it crispy and it worked. I think it does a lot for the salad and will make it like this going forward.

Things I learned from this recipe:

Turkey bacon can really be made crispy like pork bacon. Five to six minutes total and it's pretty darn crispy! 

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe