Spicy Soba Noodles w/Shrimp

by Irene Lindvall

I've have not been doing well on the cooking front this weekend. I totally goofed yesterday with the Seahawks game and dinner plans, but I did manage a dinner tonight. I'm glad I chose this dish to get back in the swing of things because it was super fast. The instructions said 25 minutes, but it really felt like 15 minutes. While the water was boiling I cleaned the shrimp and while the shrimp were cooking I cleaned and cut the veggies. The spicy sauce was delicious - so much so that Eric asked if it was made from scratch. Indeed it was! I liked this dish because it really made me feel like I was eating my favorite summer noodle dish except heated up and perfect for the winter. Not pictured: shredded carrots and red bell peppers I added for more color and extra vegetables. 

Things I learned from this recipe:

8oz of soba for two people is WAY too much.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe