Classic Caesar Salad

by Irene Lindvall

I had a tough weekend and couldn't pull it together so I didn't make anything new. I did happen to make a couple more of the Cinnamon Streusel Coffee Cakes though. I am really loving that recipe.

I intended to make this salad last week and didn't, but I'm glad I came back to it. I also wanted to make the crouton recipe but that didn't happen. Please see my photos for the delicious substitute I used. I also used pre-cut romaine lettuce to save time so this salad was made in just over 10 minutes (the amount of time the lemon juice & garlic have to sit). I was skeptical about the anchovy flavor but all the mashing helped to mask the size of them, and I really didn't mind the taste in the dressing. It tasted like a Caesar salad should taste.

Things I learned from this recipe:

Caesar salad dressing does not need to be white. I wonder what normally makes it white.

Anchovy fillets can be found in aisle where canned tuna is located. I had to ask, but these were located by the clam juice.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe - Yet another great recipe from my favorite magazine cookbook.