Cranberry-Orange Bread w/Grand Marnier Glaze

by Irene Lindvall

I must start by saying how disappointed I am that I forgot to take a finished product photo. These didn't finish cooling in time to take to bowling tonight and after bowling we went to a Christmas light display so I didn't get to have a bite until late. Both of the loaves cooked all the way through and were quite beautiful. I chose to leave the glaze off, mostly because I haven't had good luck with glazes, but also because I find them a little unnecessary and often too sugary. This loaf really didn't need one, and I was happy I left it off. 

The taste of the loaf was great, and I like that the orange juice taste was not overwhelming. Eric of course did not care for the cranberry taste, but otherwise liked it. This is another recipe I've had for eight years and I'm happy to have finally made it!

Things I learned from this recipe:

Glaze is not always necessary to make a great loaf.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe