Best-Ever Chinese Chicken Salad

by Irene Lindvall

I am really not a fan of recipes that start with "Best-Ever" but I really liked the sounds of this one. I liked that it told me to use fresh oranges instead of canned mandarins and added some fresh veggies like asparagus and avocado. We made this for lunch today and Eric was a huge help. I didn't get home until 2:30pm so it was a really late lunch. I used rotisserie chicken to speed things up and Eric made the dressing while I was cooked the asparagus. He says he had the most work to do making the dressing. I laughed because he finally realized how long it takes to grate a minimal amount of fresh ginger. 

We really like this filling salad except for the asparagus. Eric is not really a fan at all and I tolerate them, but it didn't do much for the salad. I think edamame or green beans or even cucumbers would be a nice substitute, but otherwise the dish was delicious and the dressing perfectly spicy.

Things I learned from this recipe:

This dressing would be great for many other dishes.

Any time of dried Asian noodles would work for this dish.

Would I make this recipe again?:

Yes, minus the asparagus.

The recipe