
by Irene Lindvall

I'm really not sure what to call this dish! I got the recipe from the pulled page of the September 2011 Sunset Magazine and it doesn't have a name. It is one of their "4 fast dinner ideas" sidebar and it had a photo so of course both of those things intrigued me. It involved poached eggs and I haven't done that in a while and I still had turkey bacon (a suitable replacement for pancetta) so I thought it'd be a great dish to try. The dish was easy to make, but I had a slight snafu with the eggs. My pan was not big enough and they got crowded and starting drowning. By the time I noticed it was a little too late for two out of the three (the pan wasn't big enough to hold the fourth) and I just decided to let them go. It turns out drowning is okay or at least in this instance it was okay. I still need to read up on the proper way to use these silicon cups. I'll be poaching again for tomorrow's recipe so I guess I better get on that. This dish says it's a dinner idea, and I originally thought it'd be a fun "breakfast for dinner" kind of a dish but it turns out it's nice for brunch as well. 

Things I learned from this dish:

I need more practice poaching eggs.

Would I make this recipe again?:

Maybe. I ended up adding pepper over everything since the only real flavor coming through was the rosemary. I would've liked something other predominate flavor/spice.

The recipe:

Saute diced onions, pancetta, and celery until soft. Add chopped ripe tomatoes, canned cannellini beans, and chopped rosemary, then simmer. Serve with poached eggs on top.

I used: 1/2 onion, three slices of turkey bacon, and two stalks of celery. I then used two medium sized tomatoes, 3/4 of a can of beans and 2 - 3 sprigs of rosemary, and two eggs per person. I would say you could feed three ideally with that, four if you're eating a lighter meal and adding a bread.