Miracle Carrot Muffins

by Irene Lindvall

I have a soft spot for carrot cake. I love most renditions of carrot cake but tend to stray away from those that have stringy carrots and a lot of raisins. Even though this muffin recipe contains both of those, I had high hopes it was going to be okay based on the recipe directions. The "trick" really is heating up the carrots and raisins in hot water. It made the carrots edible and the raisins moist and a great addition. The final part of the recipe calls for cream cheese with orange zest and I opted not to add it and went for butter to keep it more as a muffin than an imitation carrot cake. The perfect treat for breakfast!

Things I learned from this recipe:

A great muffin recipe exists! This one is far superior than either of the other two I previously made.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe