Cinnamon Sugar Muffins

by Irene Lindvall

A little snafu with grocery shopping ended with me trying out a muffin recipe tonight. I was initially drawn to this recipe because it said I could prepare everything the night before and make it in the morning. While I didn’t do that tonight, I could see doing it in the future to ensure fresh baked muffins for guests (or us). The bake time called for 18 – 20 minutes and I always error on the lower side when making something for the first time. They looked fine at 18 minutes so I removed them and let them cool. We tried them and I immediately thought they were slightly doughy and wished I had left them in longer. The taste, other than the delicious cinnamon and sugar on top, left something to be desired. However, I will be trying another of the seven remaining variations they provided.

Things I learned from this recipe:

I need more than a basic batter to give me the taste I like of a pastry shop muffin. 

Would I try this recipe again?:

Probably not

Basic Recipe

Variation Recipe