Banana-Nut Pound Cake

by Irene Lindvall

It's the last official Tuesday of 2014 which makes it the last official night of baking for the bowling ladies! I am sad to report this pound cake didn't even make it the ladies, but not because it didn't taste right. As you can see in the first photo, the outside of the cake looks delicious but there is something suspicious oozing in the middle. Upon cutting into it, I was met with something I have seen several times in my baking endeavors: a near perfect tasting dessert with a small portion that doesn't seem to be cooked all the way through. This one was a little more tricky than past ones in that I thought the small uncooked part was just banana filling, but of course that was just wishful thinking. When I took it out of the oven I also noticed it had oozed over onto the baking racks as well as to the bottom of the oven. Fantastic because cleaning the oven is my favorite thing to do.

Anyhoo, I have no idea what went wrong (as usual with baking). I'm assuming I over whipped/beat/stirred everything. This is the problem I continue to come back to but can't figure out how much is too much. All the problems aside, it was a pretty tasty cake and was a great way to get rid of over-ripe bananas. I should note I used milk instead of bourbon because I didn't have any and the taste was great. 

Things I learned from this recipe:

I cannot tell when it is appropriate to stop mixing. 

My NYE resolution will be to take a baking basics cooking class in 2015.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe