Raspberry Chocolate Cups

by Irene Lindvall

It's bowling night and I needed to make a quick dinner (not a new recipe) so I went with another new recipe I could bring to bowling. These little cups only take two ingredients. I bought chocolate chunks and raspberry jam from Trader Joe's and that was it. I should note that the grocery store did not have small foil cups and I had to text my baking friend to ask where I could find these cups. She mentioned Michael's and I was near a JoAnn Fabrics and was lucky to find they had an extensive baking section that included these little guys.

I think any chocolate you have would be fine for this recipe, and I went with heating it on the stove rather than the microwave. The first round of cooling the chocolate took twice as long as they recommended, and I decided to counter cool them for three hours for the last round and they didn't seem to set so I put them in the refrigerator for six minutes before leaving for bowling and they set perfectly. I enjoyed these little treats and so did everyone else!

Things I learned from this recipe:

Trader Joe's has delicious and cheap jam.

It's a little hard to make these things perfectly. I think I could've used even the tiniest cups. 

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe