Hot & Sour Shrimp Soup

by Irene Lindvall

I'm back! So after nine days in Hawaii and four days being sick with the flu, I'm back, barely. I really hadn't factored in getting sick when I started this cooking adventure, and while I feel bad for missing four days (which I will be making up) I decided there was no way I could go into a grocery store in my current state nor could I prepare food and not get Eric sick at the same time. Today is the first day I feel comfortable leaving the house and strong enough to stand at the stove. I was also not really in the mood to comb through all of my recipes but this one was the second to the top and I took it as a sign. Nothing makes one feel better than soup, right? I think that old adage applies to chicken noodle soup and not soup that burns your lips, tongue, and throat, and makes you use a whole box of tissues and inevitably is not edible. Yikes! The soup was hot, and by hot I mean not pleasant hot. It was just ridiculous. I added more vinegar and even still there was no sour aspect to the dish. All that was edible were the shrimp, mushrooms (which I changed to shiitake) and zucchini. Hours later my lips still tingled - not the best way to get back into cooking!

Things I learned from this recipe:

Heat tolerance has officially been reached.

Would I make this recipe again?:

Probably not.

The recipe