Mango Chicken Over Rice

by Irene Lindvall

I really like the way chicken thighs cook and was happy to make another recipe with them. I was a little hesitant about making this dish because Eric isn't the biggest fan of cooked mango (let alone fresh mango) AND I'm cooking with mango again on Saturday, but I forged ahead. The dish was very easy to make and I used frozen rice to cut down on time. The seasoning trio was interesting for the chicken and Eric liked the way it had a little kick (I didn't taste it unfortunately), but I should've went with my gut on the sizing of the thighs. The directions say to just half the thighs and I kept reading it thinking, really? I really should've went with chunks because they just didn't cook right. Otherwise, the dish was fine and I appreciated how quick it was to make.

Things I learned from this recipe:

Please see the photos for the new way I learned to chop basil.

Partially ripe mango is not the same as ripe mango. It definitely doesn't cook or taste the same.

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe