Crab, Shrimp, and Mango Salad w/Yuzu Vinaigrette

by Irene Lindvall

I was really excited to try this recipe because of the yuzu (a Japanese citrus fruit about the size of a tangerine) until I couldn't find any and then realized they really aren't in season until fall and primarily winter. Bummer. I settled for lemons, and I made myself feel better by adding more crab than the recipe called for because it just didn't seem like enough. The star in this dish really was the mango. The sweetness of it was really delicious and coupled with the crab and the arugula made for a really nice flavor. Overall though, I was left feeling like the whole dish was a little too tangy or that there were too many zesty flavors. It was a little bit of an overload for my palate. Eric however, asked if there was more arugula. That is a first.

Things I learned from this recipe:

What Kaffir Limes Leaves are, and while planning this recipe, I also stumbled upon this article that has officially changed the name to just Lime Leaves because of the derogatory connotation that Kaffir has. Really quite fascinating and I'm sure I would've just passed on this article had I not had this recipe planned.

Would I make this recipe again?:

Maybe. We decided it might be nice as a small start salad or appetizer. 

The recipe