Stacked Nopales Quesadillas

by Irene Lindvall

It's day two of nopales! Day two brings a multi-level baked quesadilla and it's pretty epic if I do say so myself. Eric thought it was a little too hot - I added a lot of chilies in adobo sauce, but I thought heat wise it was just fine. Overall, this was WAY too much food for one person. Two people could easily share this dish. As far as taste, I thought the topping was phenomenal but two days in a row with the nopales mixture may have been a little much on my tastebuds. It tasted very similar to yesterday even with no eggs. 

Things I learned from this recipe:

I was going to make this recipe yesterday but I briefly read the instructions and thought it was a little too much for me at the time. I picked it up today and while it's still a lot of steps it's definitely manageable. 

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe