Turkey Tetrazzini (dinner)

by Irene Lindvall

A couple of funny things happened with this recipe. First off, the recipe called for cubed or shredded turkey - neither of which I could find. I was not in the mood to cook a gigantic turkey breast I found at the grocery store so I went with cubed chicken tenders instead. It was a fine substitution and did not effect the overall taste of the dish. The oddest thing about the recipe was that in step one it said to melt the butter and add the leeks, mushrooms and nutmeg, but on my piece of ripped out magazine the first item of the recipe is nutmeg. I clearly missed a page of the recipe so I decided to skip step one of the dish entirely. This also had no real impact on the dish. Step two was cooking the pasta and step three was making the sauce. I had no problem with either of those two steps and the dish still tasted greater without the veggies from step one. I've never made a dish where I've been able to completely omit a step and ingredients and still have it turn out. I'll admit, I'm still intrigued to know how the nutmeg would've played out.

Things I learned from this recipe:

I have to say that I'm a little impressed with myself and my ability to trust that the dish was still going to turn out even though I was skipping a whole step. I may be coming a little bit more confident. 

Would I make this recipe again?:


The recipe